i have 6 minutes battery left and ive promised to write a new blog post for my only blog fan….

August 25, 2018 by Jason Phillips

so, the battery… i do love a deadline, but 6 mins? fuckinell. what can i say in 6 minutes?

what shall i talk about? im in slovakia… let me try and keep it short n sweet. lets look at just today.. a few notes on whats hppened.!

  1. made lists, lots of lists, of things i have to do and tried to prioritise by rewriting lists and then made smaller list of things i needed to do today.
  2. ate 5 raw eggs cracked into kefir.
  3. had 4 coffees, only just started drinking again this week after 5 years without!
  4. caffeine had me bouncing off the walls. made another 9 lists.
  5. lists and coffee brought me to the brink of a nervous breakdown. done nothing off lists, left the house.
  6. i went to bank machine and finally got some money from bank, and spoke to them on phone and complained about the security device i have to cart round the world with me when you can pay for things contactless without even a pin. but to check my online account i have to break thru fort fuckin knox.
  7. took the gypsy family out for Thai Duck dinner to say thank you for being great fucking hosts. LOVELY FOLKS…
  8. Accidentally squirted hot sauce in Yunka, the daughter’s, eye ball.
  9. went back to pad and was asked to babysit Yunka for few hours.
  10. Yunka screamed in my face for two hours, full volume…about 14 octaves above middle c. cried.
  11. managed to read some VAGABONDING book for inspiration on continuing travels
  12. tweaked new track.
  13. came to internet cafe to escape the noise
  14. misophonia off the scale.
  15. dogs barked at me all the way down the street. I NEED SILENCE!!!!!
  16. got to internet bar. ordered PINT. been drinking last week or so, first time in over 5 years.
  17. a car skidded across the pavement across the road. a woman got out and started screaming. a man shouted back at her. then another woman came along and punched the woman from the car in the chops. more screaming. then she weelspun off into the distance. i need silence. please.
  18. girl now sat behind me in bar blowing thru straw into her drink. right on my left ear lobe.
  19. gypsy friends invited me into bratislava tonight, going to decline and get to fucking bed.
  20. just checked youtube channel, new vid doing well. chuffed. here tis. fuck battry gonna pop! arrrrrg




21. yunka just turned up, LITERALLY JUST NOW, with the family at the bar, and started screamign in my face and punching me repeatedly!


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